Reopening of the Gardens in line with government guidelines will take place on Monday 26th April. 

The COVID-19 Safety Charter is a Government-endorsed initiative to reinforce confidence in domestic and overseas visitors in tourism businesses. Fáilte Ireland has issued sector specific guidelines for tourism and hospitality businesses to guide us in how best to meet the Government’s public health advice. By being awarded this Charter, we and all our employees are agreeing to follow the recommended guidelines for tourism sector.

Opening Times 

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5.00pm

Weekends and Public Holidays: 

11am – 5.00pm. 

No Booking required but numbers are restricted in gardens.

 Because there are covid restrictions just make sure there is enough information given in website to viewers or visitors about potential group
tours availability or any events that might take place.

 Delta Sensory Gardens require the wearing of masks, 2m social distancing is in place and a one way system is in use in the Gardens.

 As the Gardens are reopening to the public, new government guidelines on the Coronavirus will be added on the website and social platforms as guidelines are updated.

One Way System approach to maintain social distancing.

 Café Thyme is open for takeaway only. 

One Family in Café at a time.